Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Prayer requests from Jan and Ethan Schrader

Ethan and Jan are at camp now helping to prepare for the kids coming Wednesday.  The police in Nish have set up an interview for them tomorrow to see if they can get a visa. Also Child Evangelism Fellowship (Serbia) with whom they work and who run the camps don't have enough financial support for the camps yet...and they start Wednesday :) So, they are standing in the need of prayer...

1. Pray for the teachers and volunteers to rely on God and His Holy Spirit power at all times, preparing for camp, speaking with kids, sharing God's love with all they meet.
2. Pray Ethan Jan will have a successful interview tomorrow without any real problems and we will receive our visa as a result of the interview.
3. Pray CEF(Serbia) will receive donations for camp so they can buy food, pay for the campers (most can't actually afford to pay their own way), and have the funds needed to complete the tasks needed.
4. Pray God will be glorified this summer in amazing ways. Each summer we see Satan attack, and then we see God glorified and His love change lives.
5. Pray for the campers' hearts to be prepared to hear the Good News.

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